How can I register on MVC

Registering on MVC is simple. Just follow 5 simple steps..

  1. Click on the My Account button in the main menu, and you will be taken to our login / create an account page.
  2. Fill out the registration form. The minimum required fields for registration are;
    • First Name*
    • Surname*
    • Username*
    • Email
    • Password*
    • Confirm password*

Note: The Username you choose will also be your unique seller handle and can not be changed, once you have submitted registration.

3. Once you have submitted your registration you will recieve an email varification request sent to the emaill address you provided. Go to your email look for an email from MVC, open the email and click the varification link.

A new tab will open, and you will be returned to MVC

4. In the Login form, enter the login credentials that you created. Press submit and you will be presented with your MVC user dashboard.

How Do I Buy Ads on MVC?
  1. Login in to your MVC.
  2. From your dashboard, scroll down to your “Memebrship Report”. In this section you will be able to review the status of your member ship if you already have one.
  3. At the botttom of your report you will see “You can buy a membership from here.”…. When you click the word “here” you will be taken to our purchase Ads Memberships page.
  4. From the list of Ads Memberships available check the button on the left hand side on the Ads Membership package you want.
  5. Fill in your billing infomation, no back details required in this form.
  6. Select Paypal as payment method, click proceed.
  7. Follow the instuctions / choices you will be presented with, via the Paypal payment system.
  8. Once you have completed your purchase, you will be returned to the MVC website, where you should see a confirmation of you purchase. From here click on my account to retuen to your dash board.
  9. If you scroll down again to your membership report you should now see that your membership is active and you’ll now see how many MVC Ads, Featured Ads, Top Ads and Bump Up’s you have available to you as you please.

Note: Should you find your running out of ads and would like to purchase more. Just repeat this process to purchase more Ads. Any new MVC Ads you purchase will be added to your current Memebrship.

How Do I Submit an Ad on MVC?
  1. Login to your MVC account.
  2. In the menu on the left hand side of your dashboard, click on ” My Listings”.
  3. Fom the “My Listings” page you will be able to manage all your MVC Ads. On the right hand side you should see a green button that say’s ” Add Listing”, click the button.
  4. You should now be presented with a ad submission form. Do the following.
    • Read each field and select the nessecery option that suits the product youwant to sell.